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External Setup of Test Accounts

For the external setup of an etracker test account when sending the partner form (or with the corresponding trigger on the partner page), a JSON object needs to be filled dynamically with values and sent to an etracker. The following example shows the transfer of variables which need to be transferred as a minimum.

Transferring Variables

A test account with the products “etracker Analytics Enterprise Edition” and “etracker Optimiser Enterprise Edition” are set up in the backend system. The test account will be assigned to the partner with the ID you entered. The generated account ID and a link for the password allocation will be sent automatically to the email address provided here: test@test.de.

 "url": "http://www.test.de",
 "email": "test@test.de",
 "firstname": "TEST",
 "lastname": "TEST2",
 "commercial": "business",
 "company": "TEST GmbH",
 "packageId": 139,
 "additionalPackageId": 150,
 "partnerId": 1111,
 "dryrun": "false"

Sending JSON Object

The JSON object must be sent to the following URL and usernames using the POST method: URL: https://application.etracker.com/api/v6/accounts Username: If you need the basic authentication user name, please contact your Account Manager.

Test Account Creation with ‘RESTClient’

To see if the parameters for a test account were transferred correctly you can easily use the ‘RESTClient’ plugin for Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/restclient/ ). This information is required here:

1. Select the method “Post” and enter the above-mentioned URL:

2. The header to be used in the plugin is the above-mentioned username: 3. Insert the JSON Object into the body of the plugin: e.g. the minimum transfer to variables.

All Possible Variables in the JSON Object

The following information can be transferred to etracker when creating a test account along with mandatory variables.

  "url": "string",
  "email": "string",
  "firstname": "string",
  "lastname": "string",
  "email-billing": "string",
  "commercial": 0,
  "company": "string",
  "sex": 0,
  "street": "string",
  "zip": "string",
  "city": "string",
  "phone": "string",
  "country": "string",
  "taxnr": "string",
  "service-period": 0,
  "accounting-period": 0,
  "packageId": 0,
  "additionalPackageId": 0,
  "paymethod": "string",
  "partnerId": 0,
  "dryrun": "string"

In case the optional parameters are not filled, default values will need to be set or the variable discarded. Here is a view of all possible parameter values.

url (string),
email (string), "Please enter a valid mail address, maxlength 150"
firstname (string),
lastname (string),
email-billing (string, optional), "Please enter a valid mail address, maxlength 150"
commercial (integer, optional):
[undefined, private, business] - param company must only be filled when
commercial=business ,
company (string, optional),
sex (integer, optional):
[male, female] ,
street (string, optional),
zip (string, optional),
city (string, optional),
phone (string, optional),
country (string, optional), "country maxlength=2, ISO 3166 Codes ALPHA-2 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166"
taxnr (string, optional),
service-period (integer, optional):
[1, 3, 12] ,
accounting-period (integer, optional):
[1, 3, 12] ,
packageId (integer):
additionalPackageId (integer, optional):
paymethod (string, optional):
[bill, paypal, creditcard] ,
partnerId (integer):
partner id ,
dryrun (string, optional):
[true, false]