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Logging in is done with the help of a POST call of the https://application.etracker.com/login.php URL with the body in the following format:

  • username = Name of the account
  • password = Password
  • cmsLogin = CMS2
  • targetUrl = Path to the page to be viewed (optional)

# Example with curl:

curl –data “username=123456&password=Secret&cmsLogin=CMS2” https://application.etracker.com/login.php

# Example with TargetUrl

curl –data “username=123456&password=Secret&cmsLogin=CMS2&targetUrl=/report/EATime” https://application.etracker.com/login.php

The response includes a URL which is valid for 60 seconds and enables a direct single call of the etracker application.

The target URL can be copied from the address of the etracker application. Here, the section after the hash key is copied:

https://newapp.etracker.com/#/report/EATime => /report/EATime