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Testing & Targeting

The etracker Optimiser is a tool for website optimisation. The Optimiser allows A/B tests as well as different variants of a website to be displayed and evaluated. The findings from the web analysis can be used to identify weaknesses and errors in the usability and content design. In this way, usability and content can be optimised, which contributes to reducing the bounce rate, among other things.

A/B testing randomly delivers different page variants next to the original page and measures their conversion rate compared to the original. The variants can either be stored as separate alternative pages on a web server (split URL test) or created in the Visual Editor by varying individual page elements such as images, copy texts, headings or buttons. etracker automatically displays the page variants created with the Visual Editor using the DOM manipulation technique. A target can be defined for each test. This can be, for example, target pages to be reached or other etracker key figures such as the number of products viewed, added to the shopping basket or purchased. Based on the achievement of the target, the etracker Optimiser measures how successful a page variant is.

Smart Messages can be used to display important information, increase newsletter sign-ups and boost conversions by displaying targeted overlay messages.
